The 43-year-old former captain of India, MS Dhoni, is celebrating his birthday today. The only captain in history to win each of the three ICC white-ball titles is Indian skipper MS Dhoni. In a video that MSD’s wife posted on Instagram during the festivities, the former skipper could be seen having a good time.
MS Dhoni is seen slicing the cake in the video. But the moment Sakshi Dhoni was spotted stroking MS Dhoni’s feet attracted the most attention from the supporters.
In front of the former skipper, she even folded her hands. In the video, Dhoni could also be seen inquiring about the cake’s egglessness for his vegetarian companions. Sakshi Dhoni wrote “Happy Birthday @mahi7781” as the post’s caption.
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MS Dhoni’s birthday is celebrated with him by Salman Khan.
Bollywood actor Salman Khan was also spotted enjoying Dhoni’s birthday, which served to further solidify Dhoni’s reputation in the nation. Salman Khan is seen serving Virat Kohli his birthday cake in a video that has gone popular on the internet.
The actor also posted brief snippets of the event on Instagram. Salman Khan wrote, “Happy Birthday Kaptaan Sahab! @mahi7781,” as the post’s caption. Dhoni is without a doubt one of the most important players in the game of cricket.
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Even after ending his international career in 2020, Dhoni is still very much in charge in domestic cricket. Dhoni participated in another IPL season in 2024 after captaining the Chennai Super Kings to yet another championship in 2023.
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For Chennai Super Kings, though, the 17th iteration of the competition proved to be unsuccessful. The team, led by Ruturaj Gaikwad, was ousted from the tournament during the group rounds due to poor results. Fans are curious as to whether Dhoni would play for CSK in the upcoming 18th IPL, which takes place in 2025.