Aakash Chopra, a former international player for India, anticipates that the reigning champion Kolkata Knight Riders won’t split ways with captain Shreyas Iyer. Several speculations surfaced prior to the mega-auction suggesting that the Mumbai batter may decide to depart the team since the three-time winners want to add Suryakumar Yadav to the lineup. But according to Chopra, the team should have faith in Shreyas, particularly after Gautam Gambhir left after a winning season.
The 46-year-old continued by saying that since he is the team captain and could be harmed, KKR shouldn’t attempt to repurchase him via RTM. In addition to stating that co-owner Shah Rukh Khan might not allow Shreyas to depart once KKR wins their third championship, he demands that the team spend INR 18 crore to keep him.
“Shreyas Iyer, the skipper, is the one you should keep on board first. You won’t get a captain, therefore let them go if 18 crores disappear. He’s your captain of victory. To keep some continuity, keep your captain in place if Gautam (Gambhir) isn’t present. Without a doubt, you should keep Shreyas Iyer on staff, Chopra stated on his YouTube channel.
“You could use the RTM to acquire Shreyas Iyer for 18 crores, but never do that with the captain because, at the end of the day, humans are the ones playing this game, and humans have hearts, and therefore emotions.” Who is more likely to comprehend emotions than Shahrukh Khan, aka Khan sahab? Therefore, I believe he won’t let Shreyas Iyer leave,” the former opener for India continued.
Russell, Narine, and Rinku should stay at KKR: Aakash Chopra
Chopra wants KKR to keep Sunil Narine, Andre Russell, and Rinku Singh in addition to Shreyas. He recommended the team management to keep Rinku because he thinks he could easily get at least INR 14 crore if he is put up for auction. Conversely, Chopra believes that holding onto Russell and Narine for however long it takes is worthwhile because they are the heart and soul of KKR.
“Secondly, considering the Indian market, Rinku Singh is expected to fetch a price tag of 14 crores if he were to enter there. So definitely hold onto Rinku Singh. Keep Andre Russell and Sunil Narine on staff.
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The issue is that, should you decide to keep both, the fourth retention will cost 18 crores, while the first will only cost 11 crores. It is still worthwhile, in my opinion,” Chopra remarked.