The batting unit has been under scrutiny after India’s consecutive home losses to New Zealand. The Rohit Sharma-led team lost the first Test match in Pune by 113 runs after their batting line once again struggled, being bundled for just 46 runs in the first innings in Bengaluru. As a result, Ajinkya Rahane and Cheteshwar Pujara are once again being discussed, but neither cricketer is currently involved in the situation or selected for the forthcoming Border-Gavaskar Trophy.
India was dismissed for just 36 runs in Adelaide during the final round of the Australian Premier League. Following that, Rahane seized charge of the ship and guided India to a historic series win of 2-1. Rahane talked about playing in difficult situations and that he always performs at his best when things become tough. He went on to say that he plays at his best when the ball moves, seams, or bounces.
“I love it when there are challenges. In those circumstances, I have scored runs while the team was at 30/3, 20/3, or 50/3. From then, the team must get to a decent score, and I’ve always given these difficult situations my best effort. Rahane said, “I always loved challenges where the ball moves, seams, or bounces,” according to The Times of India.
Ajinkya Rahane has been left out of India’s tour squad for Australia.
In the meantime, Ajinkya Rahane’s final Indian match was against the West Indies in 2023. He has since guided Mumbai to victories in the Irani Cup and Ranji Trophy, but his batting ability hasn’t caught the selectors’ attention.
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With the addition of players like Shubman Gill and Rishabh Pant, the squad has moved on from Pujara and Rahane to younger players. Still hopeful, the Mumbai native is awaiting an opportunity to rejoin the Indian squad.