Under Rohit Sharma‘s leadership, India has dropped their last four Test games. India lost by 10 wickets in the second Test match against Australia after losing the New Zealand series 3-0 at home. Concerns are also raised by Rohit’s physique. He is under a lot of strain right now, especially since India’s qualification for the World Test Championship final is in jeopardy. He has scored 46 runs in the last three games.
Meanwhile, veteran batter Cheteshwar Pujara thinks that Rohit’s captaincy has a direct impact on his performance. He mentioned that the 37-year-old hasn’t been playing at his best as captain because he is going through a difficult time. Rohit must get off to a strong start, build on it, and turn it into a sizable sum, according to Pujara, as this will give him the confidence he may be lacking right now.
“I want Rohit Sharma to get back to his best as soon as feasible. Since his captaincy would also be impacted when he scores runs. A captain’s captaincy is also impacted when he is not playing well. Thus, I believe that his captaincy will be impacted when he scores runs. Rohit Sharma is a seasoned athlete. When batting, he knows how to score runs,” Pujara told Star Sports.
“He’s going through a hard patch. For him, a start is crucial even there. He ought to concentrate on steadily scoring his first 20 or 30 runs. He can then build on the start and turn it into a significant score. He should therefore concentrate on gaining a start when he arrives in the first half or quarter of an hour,” he continued.
Rohit Sharma will act and think more clearly after scoring runs: Harbhajan Singh
The same attitude was expressed by former India spinner Harbhajan Singh, who said that Rohit will perform better as captain once he starts scoring runs. The off-spinner went on to say that the India captain is concerned about his performance, which could have an impact on his ability to lead.
“As captain, I want Rohit Sharma to score runs. He will think and act better when he scores runs. A player is constantly concerned about his performance, regardless of his level of skill. Undoubtedly, a player makes a better choice when he scores runs. Thus, let’s hope Rohit Sharma hits some runs to improve his captaincy,” Harbhajan remarked.