Vinod Kambli, a former Indian cricket player, has been confined to Akriti Hospital in Thane, according to recent reports. His health condition abruptly declined, which is bad news for his followers.
In addition to the tests required to further evaluate the situation, a team of medical professionals is currently caring for Kambli, according to India TV Hindi.
It is a well-known fact that Kambli’s mental health has deteriorated over the past few years, making him psychologically vulnerable and tempting him to drink excessively. The cricket community is rooting for him and wants the former southpaw to get better as soon as we can.
A video of him with his boyhood friend and former Indian cricketing great Sachin Tendulkar has been going viral for a few weeks. After many years, the lifelong friends reunited at a Mumbai ceremony honouring their boyhood coach, Ramakant Achrekar.
Several scenes from the show were recorded where Vinod Kambli health didn’t appear to be at its best.
The fact that Sachin was instructed to sit a few seats apart from Kambli rather than next to him seems to appal him. The 52-year-old also paid tribute to Achrekar with a touching song in honour of the latter.
A future great of the game was predicted for the Mumbai-born player who had began his Test career with flying colours. But soon after, he lost contact with the net. The primary causes of this were bad eating habits and a general lack of self-control. Additionally, there have been rumours that Kambli has grown smug about his role on the squad and stopped paying attention to practice.
The cricket player scored 1,084 runs and finished his international career with an average of 54.20. For the Men in Blue, he amassed two tonnes and fourteen half-centuries in 97 ODI matches.