In the Indian cricket circuit, Rohit Sharma‘s performance in Test matches has been the talk of the town. The captain has had a mediocre season at bat in the longest format. He only averaged 24.76 in 2024, which sparked criticism and retirement rumours.
The India skipper also made a lasting impression during the Border Gavaskar series, scoring 31 runs in three games at a pitiful average of 6.20. Aakash Chopra, a former cricket player for India, compared Rohit Sharma to fellow batsman Virat Kohli on his YouTube channel.
According to Chopra’s analysis of the senior team’s career graphs, Rohit Sharma’s Test results pale in comparison to Virat’s.
Virat has played 123 Test matches, while he has only played 67, therefore his Test career is not as impressive as Virat’s. He’s been kind of a latecomer. In those 67 games, he has amassed 4301 runs at an average of 40.57 in 116 innings. Even if it has decreased, Kohli’s average is still at 47, according to Chopra.
“Let’s begin with the last five years, which is January 1, 2020, and end in 2024. He has participated in 35 games, while Kohli has played 39 games and 69 innings. He went on to say, “He has amassed 2160 runs at an average of 36, including six hundreds.”
Rohit Sharma was still doing well in the first half of 2024: Aakash Chopra
The Agra native continued by providing a thorough evaluation of Rohit’s career, emphasising his accomplishments throughout the previous five years to bolster his claims.
In 2020, he didn’t play. He participated in 11 games and 21 innings in 2021, scoring two hundreds and 906 runs at an average of 47.68. Not too awful. It will be regarded as an excellent year if you get an average of almost 48. Rohit Sharma played just two games in 2022, despite having a perfect score in 2021. He has had a lot of injuries, which has been an issue. In Australia, he has never participated in a full series. In three innings in 2022, he scored 90 runs at an average of 30. “It’s too small a sample size to say that the year wasn’t good because there are only two matches,” the former India opener stated.
In eight games in 2023, he amassed 545 runs at an average of 41.92 in 13 innings, including two more hundreds. Thus, 2023 wasn’t a terrible year. Considering that 2024 hasn’t been a great year, you’ll have to say that the average of almost 42 was passable. While the first half was passable, the second half was so unremarkable that obituaries have been written about it. He averaged 24 runs in 2024 because he amassed 400 runs in the five-match series against England. In 14 games, he scored 619 points. The cricket player-turned-commentator came to the conclusion that “he also struck two hundreds here.”