Yograj Singh’s direct criticism of some of India’s best captains, including MS Dhoni and Kapil Dev, frequently makes headlines. The former India cricket player recently disclosed a startling incident in which he entered Kapil’s home with a weapon because he thought the Haryana all-rounder was responsible for his dismissal from the national team.
After being dropped from the national team, Yograj, who played one Test and six ODIs for India, claimed he wanted to murder Kapil. But when he saw Kapil’s mother beside him, the former changed his mind. At that point, according to Yograj, he made the decision to turn his son Yuvraj Singh into a cricket player.
“Kapil Dev fired me without explanation after he was appointed captain of Haryana, North Zone, and India. I was encouraged to challenge Kapil by my wife, Yuvi’s mother. “I promised her that I would discipline this bloodthirsty man,” Yograj said to ‘Unfiltered by Samdish’ through Indian Express.
“I pulled out my revolver and headed to Sector 9 to visit Kapil’s house. Along with his mother, he came out. A dozen times, I mistreated him. I informed him that I had lost a buddy as a result of you, and that you would be held accountable. I said to him, “You have a very devout mother standing here, so I am not going to put a bullet through your head.” Shabnam and I said, “Let’s go.” I made the decision to let Yuvi play cricket instead of me at that point,” he continued.
I never showed forgiveness. Bedi, Bishan Singh: Yograj Singh
Because of his strong relationship with the previous captain Sunil Gavaskar, Yograj said that Bishan Singh Bedi and Kapil conspired against him.
These men, among them Bishan Singh Bedi, conspired against me. I will always be angry with Bishan Singh Bedi. He passed away in his bed. I spoke with selector Ravindra Chadha after I was dropped. According to him, the top selector, Bishan Singh Bedi, didn’t want to choose me as they believed I was Sunil Gavaskar’s man and I was playing cricket in Mumbai. Gavaskar and I had a tight relationship,” Yograj remarked.
Yograj continued by stating that he had sent Kapil a WhatsApp message when India won the ODI World Cup in 2011 following a 28-year hiatus.
“When India won the World Cup in 2011, Kapil Dev was the only one wearing tears. In the World Cup, my kid performed better than you, and I did send him a clipping of the paper. I received a WhatsApp chat from Kapil stating that we shall be brothers in the afterlife. The same mother will give birth to us in the future life. He was eager to meet me. It still hurts, though, and there is retribution,” he continued.
Yuvraj, who amassed 362 runs in eight innings while taking 15 wickets, was named the Player of the Tournament.
Women should never be given authority because they will ruin everything. Yograj Singh
In the meantime, Yograj raised several eyebrows on the same show by expressing a provocative and misogynistic viewpoint.
If you ask a woman to manage a household, she will ruin it. Never give women authority. Love, honour, and respect them, but never give them authority. If given authority, they will obliterate everything. They have a strong desire for power. When given authority, moms and women, as I have witnessed, keep everything for themselves,” Yograj remarked.