Shafali Verma, who last played for the Indian women’s team in November 2024, has been benched. India is being led by her. The Senior Women’s One-Day Challenger Trophy squad has advanced to the tournament’s final. India will host the Women’s ODI World Cup in 2025, and the opening batsman hopes to return to the Indian team.
Regarding her performance in the current Senior Women’s One-Day Challenger Trophy, she has amassed 388 runs with a remarkable strike rate of 146.96 and an average of 97.00 in four games. Her scores of 91 off 71, 95 off 65, 87 off 58, and 115 off 70 balls made a compelling argument for a comeback. Shafali had previously scored 527 runs at an average of 75.28 and a strike rate of 152.31 during Haryana’s performance in the domestic one-day tournament in December.
“I feel great. The squad is winning, which is a huge accomplishment in the first place. Therefore, Shafali said, “Yes, all I am thinking about is how much more I can build on and play (the) long innings,” “As players, it is our responsibility to meet the needs of the squad and give it our all. Contributing to the team’s success is what I attempt to do. Yes, the team is winning if I play many innings, as you can see.”
One problem has been building an innings: Shafali Verma.
Shafali noted that she hasn’t altered her batting or strategy in anticipation of a possible return. She is just concerned about turning her starts into high scores.
“As you are all aware, I have a strong start, but I have struggled to establish an innings. However, I’m now concentrating on how to obtain those singles, construct innings, and contribute to the team’s success. That’s what I’m attempting to accomplish,” Shafali said.
“I believe it is my responsibility to do well for the team. Although I am aware that I was cut from the [India] squad, it is my responsibility to perform well for [whatever team I play for]. My attention is now on the Challengers, and I hope to perform well in the final and take home the title [on Wednesday].
“They [the management of the Indian squad] simply told me to trust my strength and my batting. They’re really good and laid back. Yes, they are on my side. Every inning begins at zero. As I am aware, the team depends heavily on me in the batting position, and the innings will start at zero for the final as well. Thus, I’m attempting to construct the innings well and win the trophy,” she continued.