During a break-in at his Bandra, Mumbai, home early on Thursday, January 16, legendary Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured with a sharp instrument and was taken to the hospital for treatment. A passionate cricket enthusiast, Saif is also a co-owner of the Indian Street Premier League (ISPL) team known as the “Tiigers of Kolkata.”
At around 2:30 am, the suspect entered Saif’s home and engaged in a verbal altercation with a domestic worker, the Mumbai Police said in a statement. The invader assaulted Saif after he stepped in to calm things down. The actor sustained six injuries in the end. They were terrible, two of them, one of them dangerously near his spine.
“Two of Saif’s six stabs are deep.” Near the spine is this one. A group of medical professionals led by neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange, cosmetic surgeon Dr. Leena Jain, and anaesthesiologist Dr. Nisha Gandhi are doing surgery on him. They are still doing the procedure. Two mild, two intermediate, and two deep injuries were among his six injuries; one of these was on his back, near his spine. “The surgery involves a neurosurgeon,” said Dr. Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital.
Nonetheless, according to the most recent reports, the doctors declared the famous actor’s procedure to be successful and that he was now safe. In addition, Saif has appeared in a number of well-known Bollywood films, including “Kal Ho Na Ho,” “Love Aaj Kal,” “Hum Tum,” and “Omkara.” Popular actress Kareena Kapoor is his wife, and the two of them have two kids, Taimur and Jeh. Recently, Saif starred in “Devara: Part 1.”
#SaifAliKhan’s family and team have released an official statement about his current condition.#Trending pic.twitter.com/hb4FkJlxAT
— Filmfare (@filmfare) January 16, 2025
“It is a police matter,” said Saif Ali Khan and Kareena’s group in a statement.
Earlier, a statement was sent to the media and fans by Saif and Kareena’s official public relations team. Following the regrettable event, the stars’ team asked for their patience. Additionally, they said that additional police investigations were necessary to determine the best course of action in this case.
“A burglary attempt was made at the home of Mr. Saif Ali Khan. He is presently having surgery in the hospital. We ask for the media’s and fans’ patience as it is a police matter,” the statement read.
Check out Rajeev Shukla’s latest post here:
I am deeply anguished to learn about the shocking and distressing attack on actor #SaifAliKhan at his residence. This is alarming. @MumbaiPolice should immediately take necessary action. No one should ever have to face such a violation of their personal space and security.
— Rajeev Shukla (@ShuklaRajiv) January 16, 2025
Rajeev Shukla, the well-known BCCI Vice-President, expressed his “anguish” about the entire situation on social media, in addition to them. In response to Saif Ali Khan’s stabbing, he asked the Mumbai police to act strictly.