After Rohit Sharma announced his retirement from T20 cricket last year, Suryakumar Yadav assumed the role of captain for India. After guiding India to the T20 World Cup championship in June, the latter declared his retirement. Under Suryakumar’s leadership, India has won 15 of its 18 games, demonstrating his outstanding performance.
It is well known that Suryakumar’s predecessor made remarks on the stump mic during games. Fans have showered the chirps with affection on social media, causing them to go viral. During a match, he would yell at lethargic fielders, “Garden mein ghoomne wale ladke” (Boys who leisurely stroll in the garden), one of his most well-known stump mic chirps.
After Rohit’s retirement, Suryakumar Yadav was recently questioned if the cricket players still wander the garden.
In response, the flamboyant batter said in a funny way that he doesn’t restrict his fielders’ movement because nobody does it anymore. Suryakumar added that he made every effort to avoid using the stump microphone. According to him, a person should only practice their area of expertise.
“Nope, ghumta hi nahi hai kyuki koi rokta hu kisi ko mai nahi nahi hu. Try the Karta Hoon Door in Rahoon. Agar kisi ka woh speciality hai, toh won unhe ke sath rahe toh zada better hai (I don’t stop anyone since nobody is out loitering).I avoid the stumps as much as possible. “It’s better if it stays with that person only if that’s their specialty,” Suryakumar stated on Star Sports.
Moreover, Rohit tends to forget things and communicates using the ye-woh (this-that) language. A question about Suryakumar’s familiarity with Rohit’s distinctive speech pattern was posed. The Mumbai batter responded in a humorous way, saying that he always gets to hear it when he walks in the garden.
“Haan woh jab hum ghumte rehte hai garden mai, woh sunne ko mil hi jata hai (Yes, when we roam in the garden, we get to hear those things.),” he stated.