Former India player Virender Sehwag thinks that Virat Kohli will win the World Cup on November 19 in Ahmedabad. Notably, he said that in 2011, under MS Dhoni’s leadership, all the players were desperate to win to honour Sachin Tendulkar’s legendary career, and he wants the Men in Blue to do the same for Virat Kohli in the next edition.
When he talked about this, Virender Sehwag said that Kohli deserves to end his career on a high note and that winning the World Cup would be the cherry on top of a magnificent career. Virender Sehwag went on to say that Virat knows how to perform under pressure and that he expects him to step up if India makes it to the finals of the tournament.
“We played for Tendulkar in that World Cup. If we had won the World Cup, Sachin Paaji would have gone out on a high note. Now, Virat Kohli is still the same. Everyone will try to help him win the World Cup.
Virender Sehwag told Star Sports, “He always gives more than 100%.”
“I also think that Virat Kohli is looking forward to this World Cup. At the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, there will be 100,000 people watching you. Virat knows what will happen on the pitch. I’m sure he’ll get a lot of runs and do his best to help India win the World Cup,” he said.
Virat has regained his form after a couple of rough years spent trying to find it on the international scene. He was amazing in the last Asia Cup and T20 World Cup, and he will hope to keep up that level of play in the most important ODI event.
In the recently concluded Indian Premier League, the bowler once again rose to the occasion. If he stays in the same form, India has a good chance of winning their third ODI World Cup.
With a three-game series against the West Indies, the team under Rohit Sharma will start preparing for the upcoming ODI World Cup. There are a lot of injured players on the team right now, so there are some worries, but the team is still hoping to do well in the game.