On Tuesday, the International Cricket Council (ICC) released the plan for the upcoming ODI World Cup, which will be held in India from October 5 to November 19. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) sent out a draught plan to all of the teams earlier this month. Australia was supposed to play Pakistan in Bengaluru, and Afghanistan was supposed to play Pakistan in Chennai. ESPN cricinfo said that the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) wanted to switch the locations of these two matches to make the team led by Babar Azam the choice to win. But in the final plan, the ICC did not make the changes that were asked for.
Kamran Akmal, who used to be the wicketkeeper for Pakistan, said in an interview that these “excuses” only made the past champions look bad.
“Teams shouldn’t have to worry about conditions and sites anymore. In world cricket, these things shouldn’t happen. India beat Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand in their own countries today. We shouldn’t make reasons like why we have to play India in Chennai or Afghanistan in Ahmedabad. “You should only think about cricket,” Akmal told paktv.tv in an interview.
“I’d like to ask the board members to stop making such silly requests. International cricket is now better than it used to be. Players should be proud of what they have done and know what fans and the board want from them. You shouldn’t say things like that; instead, you should lower the quality of your cricket,” he said.
Wasim Akram agrees with Kamran Akmal, who said, “If you ask Pakistani players, they don’t care where their schedule comes.”
Wasim Akram, a famous swing bowler, said the same thing as Kamran Akmal when he said that there is too much stress about Pakistan playing in Ahmedabad.
“Nothing wrong with it. Pakistan will play wherever they are told to. Simple. The Indian Express reported Akram as saying, “This stress of ‘We won’t play in Ahmedabad’ is unnecessary. If you ask Pakistani players, they don’t care where their schedule comes from.”
PCB also asked that if the Pakistan team makes it to the quarterfinals and plays India, the match should be held in Kolkata instead of Mumbai. Reports say that the ICC has agreed to the request, and if the above situation comes to pass, the quarterfinal matches between Mumbai and Kolkata might be switched.