Under Rohit Sharma’s leadership, the Indian squad is soaring in the ongoing ODI World Cup 2023. The Men in Blue have participated in eight games in the tournament thus far, winning each one handily. The Indian squad is a strong favorite to win the competition because they were the first to get to the knockout stages. Several commentators have praised Rohit Sharma for his performances and leadership abilities on the field in response to his outstanding leadership during the World Cup. Rahul Dravid, the head coach of Team India, shared a similar viewpoint. Dravid expressed his admiration for Rohit by saying that he had enjoyed seeing him perform. presenting the seasoned opener as a reliable team member.
For a long time, his captaincy has been excellent. Both the coaching staff and the team hold him in high regard. Observing him perform as he has has been enjoyable. IndiaToday cited Dravid as stating, “I think he is truly someone who deserves all the success that he has been getting, and hopefully it may continue.”
With the bat, he has been outstanding: Rahul Dravid
In addition, Rahul Dravid emphasized the significance of Rohit Sharma amid multiple run chases in the 2023 ODI World Cup. According to Dravid, some of the games were difficult in the second inning, but the captain made it easier on the other batters by getting great hits in the top order.
“As a coaching staff, we realized the significance of his innings in games like that after looking back and seeing how easy it had appeared in the end. For the guys who have followed, it has undoubtedly made things easier,” Dravid remarked.
“His batting and his leadership in taking charge of the game and leading from the front have both been outstanding. We’ve discussed a certain method to play the game, but you can’t do that unless your leader genuinely believes in it and leads by example,” he continued.