In front of family and friends, Tushar Deshpande, a rising star for the Chennai Super Kings and a crucial bowler in the 2023 Indian Premier League, got married to Nabha Gaddamwar in a touching ceremony. After the IPL season concluded earlier this year, Deshpande proposed to his longtime “school crush” in a stunning Mumbai event, marking the beginning of their married journey. He shared a photo of him and his spouse exchanging vows on Instagram.
Known for his memorable exploits, the gifted right-arm fast bowler demonstrated his abilities during CSK’s successful IPL 2023 campaign. Their amazing victory over the Gujarat Titans, the reigning champions, in a suspenseful final at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, was largely due to Deshpande. With his remarkable 21 wickets in 16 games, he was the top wicket-taker for CSK and the sixth-highest wicket-taker overall in the tournament.
This is the most recent Instagram post from Deshpande:
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Ruturaj Gaikwad, the opener for the Chennai Super Kings, had previously chosen to not play as the reserve opener for the Indian side in the ICC World Test Championship (WTC) final because of his marital obligations. Gaikwad got married to Utkarsha Pawar, an accomplished all-round player who had competed for Maharashtra in local competitions. His intention to put his wedding ahead of his cricket duty had been communicated to the BCCI.
I’ll just do as Dhoni says, like a soldier would: Tushar Deshpande
Having taken 80 wickets in 29 first-class games, 35 wickets in 34 List A matches, and 83 wickets in 59 Twenty20 Internationals, Deshpande has an impressive record across several formats. His remarkable IPL 2023 performance brought notice to his commitment and talent on the field. When considering his achievements, he had acknowledged the impact of previous captain of CSK MS Dhoni, comparing their relationship to that of a soldier reporting to a superior. He had conveyed his confidence that the great skipper will always lead him in the correct direction and expressed trust in Dhoni’s leadership.
“When things aren’t going our way, you know you have someone who will lead the way and provide clarity. He maintains simplicity and is a selfless individual. He keeps things simple and is there for you when things go tough. I shall simply do as he says, like a soldier. Deshpande had told Indian Express, “I know he can never lead me down the wrong path.”
“Dhoni plans are quite explicit about what needs to be done, and one must then carry it out. In addition, he will grant freedom and speak up when necessary. He advised me to “just be calm and take a deep breath because I have everything to play at the top,” he continued.