While hosting “#Aakash VANI,” a daily sports program on JioCinema, Aakash Chopra talked about the likelihood that Mitchell Starc may be the most expensive selection at the Tata IPL Auction on December 19, despite one worrying issue.”A million dollars would go to Mitchell Starc.” Nearly every Australian player has enrolled for the Tata IPL auctions. But without a doubt, Starc is the most well-liked of them all.
In addition to taking early wickets and bowling yorkers, he is an explosive bowler with the new ball. In addition to having outstanding IPL stats, Mitchell Starc is a strong death bowler. When he played for the Royal Challengers Bangalore in the past, he did well. But in the intervening period, the frequency of his withdrawals from the league is undoubtedly cause for concern.
“If a player withdraws at the last minute to concentrate on the Ashes or for any other personal reason, the team is in trouble,” Aakash Chopra continued.
Although important players won’t be present, the money will be released. In addition to Starc, there will be other important bowlers at this auction, including Ben Dwarshuis, Gerald Coetzee, Josh Hazlewood, and Dilshan Madushanka. It is also not possible to revert to these names once you purchase Mitchell Starc, as they will become unavailable. If Mitchell Starc asks for an enormous amount of money, I won’t be shocked, but I will be a little wary in case he backs out.
The BCCI has revealed the players who are willing to take a beating at the important event. The IPL Auction is scheduled to take place in Dubai on December 19. Prior to the event, teams have already published their lists of players who have been released and retained; it is unclear how teams will strengthen their unit during the auction.