20 October 2023, Jaipur The IPL team Rajasthan Royals, which is owned by Royals Sports Group and known for its dedication to developing young cricket talent, has announced that a new cricket academy will be opening in Jaipur. The Rajasthan Royals Cricket Academy will support cricket development in the region in partnership with the PS Sports Agency in Jaipur, giving young men and women the chance to learn how to play the game the Royals’ way.
The Academy, which will be established at the PS Sports Excellence Arena, Ring Road, Muhana, and which will be unveiled early in the following year, will act as a launching pad for more academies that the company plans to open throughout Rajasthan in the ensuing years.
The Rajasthan Royals Cricket Academy in Jaipur will offer aspiring male and female cricketers of all ages a thorough coaching program that includes structured coaching methods and facilities. The franchise has established a number of initiatives geared at promoting the game and discovering talent over the years, demonstrating a strong commitment to grassroots cricket development in the state of Rajasthan. These programs include the Royal Sparks and Colts Program, a thorough talent scouting initiative created to find and develop young cricket players throughout Rajasthan and give ambitious players access to top-notch year-round support and expert coaching.
The Rajasthan Royals Cricket Cup has also been played in the state across all genders and age divisions, with the most recent edition being played in September–October 2023 by more than 700 U19 ladies from 50+ schools dispersed over eight districts. In order to give the young athletes the opportunity to realize their dreams of ultimately representing not only the Royals but also their state team and the country, the Royals have also actively engaged with local talent, recruiting players and net bowlers for the IPL and accelerating their development through trials and coaching camps.
But what makes this chance even more exciting is the chance for young male and female players coming through the academy to compete against other Royals’ Academies under the supervision of Royals’ coaches and scouts, get access to the Royals’ High Performance Centre in Nagpur, and get advice from former and current Royals’ star players.
The planned Rajasthan Royals Cricket Academy in Jaipur is an important milestone for our franchise as we strive to further assist grassroots cricket in the state, said Jake Lush McCrum, Chief Executive Officer, Rajasthan Royals. The top-notch facilities will help us create a sizable pool of male and female players who, in our opinion, will become the future cricketing superstars of Rajasthan and India.
Pankaj Singh, a former Rajasthan Royals player who was a member of the team that won the first IPL championship for the Royals, was present in Jaipur for the announcement.
He stated, “I am happy to see the Rajasthan Royals, my first-ever IPL franchise, taking this effort to improve the standard of cricket in the state. Young cricket players in Jaipur and the surrounding areas will have a platform to refine their abilities and realize their full potential thanks to the Rajasthan Royals Cricket Academy. Additionally, it will inspire young children to start playing sports and to one day dream of playing for India, Rajasthan, or the Royals.