After false ads claiming admission to the National Cricket Academy in Bengaluru surfaced, the BCCI released an explanation about admissions there. The board declared in a statement that admission to NCA is free of charge and subject to board procedures. Cricket players, coaches, and the general public were all advised to exercise caution so as not to fall for any deceptive or fraudulent claims.
In addition, the BCCI said that the NCA is “not open to any agency other than the ones mentioned” and that players in the targeted category, contractual players, and cricketers recommended by state associations are the only ones with merit-based entry to the academy.
Jay Shah, the board secretary, released the following statement: “Recently, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has encountered false advertisements that purport to offer cricket players admission to the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bengaluru.”
“The BCCI wants to make it clear that players are not charged a fee to utilize its facilities.
There are protocols specific to the BCCI, and admission to the NCA is determined by merit. Cricketers recommended by state associations, players in the targeted category, and contracted players of the BCCI are the only ones eligible to join the NCA. It said that no agency other than the ones listed above is eligible to apply.
The press release said, “Cricketers, coaches, and the general public are advised to exercise caution and not fall prey to such fake and fraudulent posts and approach the respective State Associations for guidance.”