Aakash Chopra, a former opener for India, said that England’s captain Ben Stokes played a great game in the second Ashes Test at Lord’s Cricket Ground. The 32-year-old hit 155 runs off 214 balls, including nine fours and as many sixes. However, on Day 5 of the second Test, his team lost to the guests by 43 runs.
When Aakash Chopra talked about the game, he said that Stokes should be praised for his brave attempt to make chances to even up the five-game series. He also said about the English skipper, “Cometh the hour, cometh the man.”
“You have to give Ben Stokes credit for the knocks he has played under pressure in the Ashes and the World Cup final. Chopra said on his YouTube account, “The time has come, and the man has come. That’s Ben Stokes.”
Ben Stokes is the only person who does what he does. Chopra: Aakash Chopra went on to say that Stokes could only have done what he did on the last day of the second Test, when there were nine Australian fielders in the deep. So far, the 45-year-old said, the current show has lost its spark. He also said that Stokes is a good leader, but that the 32-year-old has been bad as both a batter and a bowler so far.
“Nine fielders were in the deep, but Ben Stokes is the only one who does what he does. So far, the Ashes were getting very cold. “As a captain, he did fine, but as a batter and bowler, he had a big name, but he hadn’t done that well until now,” Chopra said.
Stokes’s powerful hitting gave the home team a huge boost. He and senior pacer Stuart Broad (11) scored 108 runs for the seventh wicket, bringing England within 70 runs of winning. But when Josh Hazlewood got rid of him, it started a collapse in which Ollie Robinson and Stuart Broad also fell in quick order. When Mitchell Starc got rid of Josh Tongue, Australia won by 43 runs.