The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) has notified the Delhi Police to file a FIR regarding the abusive posts on Shahneel, the sibling of Shubman Gill. The DCW director, Swati Maliwal, has taken note of the situation and requested that the police provide a detailed report on the case’s resolution by May 26.
Sunday, May 21, after the match between Gujarat Titans (GT) and Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB), the regretful incident came to light. RCB were eliminated from the IPL 2023 as a direct consequence of Shubman Gill magnificent century, which steered the Titans to victory and two crucial points.
Following the conclusion of the match, certain social media users targeted Shubman Gill sister Shahneel with abusive posts and threats. Swati Maliwal, the head of the DCW, notified the police of ‘obscene, misogynistic, threatening, and exceedingly abusive online posts’ directed at Shahneel Gill.
We had previously taken action against those who abused Virat Kohli’s daughter: Maliwal
In addition, the DCW director termed this vicious attack on Gill’s sisters via social media a ridiculous and unjust criminal act.
In addition, she recalled the case of Virat Kohli, whose daughter was unjustly targeted. Even the fans defended the athletes vehemently, deeming these trolls to be completely insensitive.
“She is also being threatened on social media with rape and assault, which is a heinous crime,” the DCW chief was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times.
In addition, the DCW director has requested that swift action be taken against the online abusers and that a report be prepared immediately. Monday, May 22, Swati Maliwal shared a series of tweets from the abusers and pledged to take action regarding the insensitive remarks made about Gill’s sister.
“It’s disgraceful to see trolls harass #ShubhmanGill’s sister simply because the team they support lost a game. Previously, we had taken action against those who had abused #ViratKohli’s daughter…Maliwal tweeted that DCW will take action against all those who abused Gill’s sister.
The police will presumably submit an official report to the DCW chief regarding this matter. On the other hand, Shubman and his sister Shahneel have decided not to speak publicly on the matter as the police have assumed control.