The BCCI, which oversees cricket in India, has not yet held any talks on what will happen to Rahul Dravid support staff. If India had, unimaginably, lost the semifinal at the Wankhede on Wednesday, their time might have come to an end. It now expires on November 19.
Contracts with Rahul Dravid and his support team expired after the World Cup, and the BCCI had differing opinions about how to proceed with the coaching group. Although Dravid’s coaching technique was first viewed with some skepticism by BCCI officials, the Indian team’s recent performances could have changed those opinions.
Given India’s outstanding World Cup performance and their imperious dominance throughout the competition, a contract extension or renewal may be imminent. The important thing to consider is whether Dravid wants to carry on.
First impressions of him once he took over in 2021 were that of a reluctant coach. Regardless of the team’s success, those close to him had hinted that he may voluntarily resign following the World Cup. It’s unclear what Dravid thinks right now about a possible extension, though. Dravid’s future has not been discussed with him in the past month or any previous time. He has concentrated on the current task.
Extension offers are expected for Dravid’s support staff, which includes fielding coach T Dilip, bowling coach Paras Mhambrey, and batting coach Vikram Rathour, whether he decides to stay on. Information should become available soon.
As for the Twenty20 series against Australia, which starts on November 23, it has been reported that coaches from the National Cricket Academy (NCA) under VVS Laxman will be in charge of managing it. This arrangement gives the BCCI enough time to make judgments regarding Dravid and his team’s future.
The deadline for choosing the T20I series team has not yet been announced by the BCCI. This is expected to occur only on November 20, the day following the championship game. The match will start in Visakhapatnam two days later.