Former Indian cricket players Gautam Gambhir and Sreesanth were in the spotlight after a heated altercation during a recent Legends League cricket match. The incident happened during the Gujarat Giants vs. India Capitals match, where Sreesanth of the Giants squared off against the India Capitals led by Virat Kohli. Everything came to a head in the match’s second over when Sreesanth, having been hammered for a six and a four, locked eyes with Gambhir for an extended period of time.
Neither player was happy with this fierce encounter. The former India opener answered vocally and with a similarly steadfast gaze towards the fiery pacer. After the game, the Kerala pacer expressed his displeasure with the Delhi batter’s behavior on Instagram. Gambhir didn’t respond directly to the criticism, but he did share a mysterious social media post that alluded to the importance of keeping a smile on your face in spite of the spotlight. In his ‘X’ post, Gambhir stated, “Smile when the world is all about attention!”
Here is the most recent post from Gautam Gambhir on ‘X’:
Smile when the world is all about attention!
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir) December 7, 2023
With an incredible 52 off just 30 balls, the southpaw showed off his cricketing prowess and made a huge contribution to the India Capitals’ victory. His efforts contributed to the ambitious goal of 223/7 in 20 overs being set. The Giants lost by 12 runs despite Sreesanth’s efforts, as he finished with a wicket-taking economy of 11.70 in 3 overs and a score of 1/35.
Sreesanth promises to shortly divulge the details of the spat.
But the on-field altercation between the two former Indian cricket players quickly took center stage, rather than the result of the match. Sreesanth berated Gautam Gambhir publicly, calling him ‘Mr. Fighter’ and charging that he picks battles without any reason.
“I just wanted to make things clear regarding Mr. Fighter. somebody who is constantly at odds with all of his coworkers. for no apparent reason. He shows no respect for any of his players, not even the more seasoned ones like Viru Bhai. It is precisely what transpired today. Sreesanth claimed in a video that he posted on his Instagram account that “Mr. Gautam Gambhir shouldn’t have said that he just kept calling me names without any provocation.”
Sreesanth later disclosed, nevertheless, what Gambhir had actually said to him during the altercation.