Rahul Tewatia rose to the occasion and gave the Hardik Pandya-led Gujarat Titans team their third victory of the IPL 2023 season in the match against the Punjab Kings, when the team once again needed something special from the player. Notably, the visiting team was under duress with four runs needed from two deliveries, but the 29-year-old scooped it over fine leg, and with that, GT won the match by six wickets.
In the meantime, Rahul Tewatia explained that since he bats at number six or seven, he sets goals for himself and strives to attain them during his practice sessions. Additionally, he said that when a cricketer’s position is clear, there is sufficient clarity, which aids in one playing their best cricket.
“Nothing occurs suddenly. When I was a member of the Rajasthan Royals in 2020, I received this position. You are certain of your role once it is defined. You are likely to bat in such (crunch) scenarios 8–9 times in your first 14 league games while you are batting at position 6-7.
Over the past three to four years, I have been preparing for this. Through match simulations, I work on my technique and create goals for myself, giving me a sense of how to wrap up contests. Rahul Tewatia stated this at the press conference following the game.
I used my own support to play that shot, and I did so: Rahul Tewatia
Rahul Tewatia took a huge risk by scooping Sam Curran for a boundary over a fine leg with four runs needed off the next two deliveries. He admitted that because the ball was flipping, he went for that shot and was relieved that it was successful.
The leg side, which is the larger side of the ground, is where I was considering going for a double (two runs). However, I thought it was a little hazardous. I believed that (scoop) was the better shot because there were just two balls left. The ball was somewhat in reverse. The all-rounder continued, “I trusted myself to play that shot, and I completed it.