The team management is prepared to support Rohit Sharma in his pull-shotting during Test cricket, according to India’s batting coach Vikram Rathour. The 36-year-old Indian captain was dismissed for a pull shot against South Africa during the Boxing Day Test in Centurion. Since then, he has been under heavy fire on social media. Vikram Rathour said that occasionally the pull shot will work and occasionally it won’t, providing clarification that the team management is unconcerned.
Interestingly, in the fifth over of the game, Nandre Burger was fielding deep fine-leg when Rohit Sharma pulled Rabada’s bouncer. There’s nothing to worry about right now, according to Rathour, since the cricket player has made a lot of runs with that shot and is sometimes referred to as the best puller in the world.
“I mean, Rohit Sharma , I have already talked about it.” His go-to shot for scoring many runs is the one he believes in.
His shot is this. Therefore, he will take this shot. It will come off on certain days. It won’t on some days. It thus didn’t today. We may discuss it. It will be said that this is the stroke that he plays exceptionally well when he hits a six one day. According to some, he is the world’s greatest puller. He is convinced of it. Rathour was cited by India Today as saying, “We are okay; as team management, we are backing it.”
I believe Virat doesn’t require much experience: Vikram Rathour
Virat Kohli chose to miss the intra-squad game and travel to London ahead of the two-match series against South Africa because of a family emergency. The cricketer doesn’t require a lot of practise because he practises a lot and hits, according to Rathour, who spoke after he scored 38 runs in the first Test.
In my opinion, Virat Kohli doesn’t require a lot of practice at this point in his career. He puts a lot of practice and bats a lot. Consequently, it makes little difference if he practiced a few days less. His playing was evident to us. He seemed to have hardly had a six-month break from red ball cricket. Rathour declared, “It’s encouraging.”