Due to persistent rain on Sunday, May 28, the IPL final between Chennai Super Kings (CSK) and Gujarat Titans (GT) will now be contested on the IPL first-ever reserve day, Monday, May 29. This has caused a great deal of chaos, as the traveling supporters had nowhere to stay and were forced to sleep on the floor of a nearby train station. Thousands of them who had traveled from all over the country, particularly from Chennai, had to extend their stay in Ahmedabad, and the night was utter chaos.
Pictures and videos of supporters sleeping on the floor quickly went viral on various social media platforms, and a few of them claimed that they only attended the game because of MS Dhoni. In the meantime, numerous fans donning Dhoni’s jersey were spotted, as numerous reports claim that the legendary wicketkeeper-batsman can call it quits after the current spectacle.
In contrast, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has requested that fans retain their physical tickets intact in order to attend the match on the reserve day. The governing body added that they will accept damaged tickets, but they must contain all pertinent information. Additionally, they clarified that no digital tickets will be accepted on the day of the championship game.
“The #Final of the #TATAIPL 2023 has been shifted to reserve day, May 29 at 7:30 PM IST at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. Today’s physical tickets will be effective tomorrow.
We request that you keep your tickets secure and intact,” IPL tweeted on May 28 after the match was postponed.
Notably, this is the first time that the championship has been moved to a reserve day, and it will take place on Monday. BCCI’s logistic team and ground staff also encountered numerous problems on May 28 and attempted to play the match on the same day, but the rain barely stopped, so the umpires postponed it to May 29. According to the weather forecast, there is also a slight likelihood of rain on the reserve day, but the game is still expected to take place.