The IPL 2023 will return on March 31 as the defending champion Gujarat Titans take on the four-time champion Chennai Super Kings at Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi Stadium, capping off 15 illustrious seasons. While anticipation for the next season is as high as it has ever been, this year’s IPL has already received some unfavorable news because many important players are reportedly going to miss the first week of the event. Others will join their respective franchises after completing their national responsibilities, while some of them will have a longer break due to injury.
Both Chennai and Gujarat want to get their seasons off to a strong start by winning quickly. Gujarat is entering the competition with the cup in hand, while Chennai will like to make up for their terrible performance from the previous year.
Gujarat’s first home game in Ahmedabad is also anticipated to draw a sea of spectators to the Narendra Modi stadium. This is only the beginning, as masses are anticipated to pour into the tournament for the duration to watch the “fest” in its original form after a lengthy four-year wait. The anticipation is only increased by the fact that the IPL will make its debut at the Ekana stadium in Lucknow and the ACA stadium in Guwahati.
While some fans may be fortunate enough to see the extravaganza up close, others—particularly the significant portion of IPL watchers who will be attending the event from abroad—may not be as fortunate. Jio Cinema will handle the digital streaming portion, while the Star Network will be airing the competition on local television. Nonetheless, a number of organizations have acquired distribution rights, allowing the competition to be shown to viewers in other countries.
IPL 2023 Live Telecast: Complete Television Channel List for outside India
Country | Broadcaster |
United Kingdom | Sky Sports Cricket, Sky Sports Main Event |
United States | Willow TV |
Australia | Fox Sports |
South Africa | SuperSport |
New Zealand | Sky Sport |
Pakistan | Yupp TV |
Middle East | Times Intenet |
Caribbean | Flow Sports (Flow Sports 2) |
Canada | Willow TV |
Bangladesh | Gazi TV |
Afghanistan | Ariana Television Network |
Nepal | Star Sports, Yupp TV |
Sri Lanka | Star Sports, Yupp TV |
Maldives | Star Sports, Yupp TV |
Singapore | Star Hub |
IPL 2023 Live Streaming: Where to watch
JioCinema, Yupp TV, Foxtel and StarHub will provide digital streaming services to the overseas viewers of IPL 2023.