Prominent Indian batsman Smriti Mandhana recently posted photos from her time off the field while on holiday with her brother Shravan. She described her adventure as unforgettable and that she would never forget it. Jemimah Rodrigues, Mandhana’s national teammate, used the comments section of her journey images to make fun of her.
What an adventure this has been. From wandering incessantly to encountering some truly remarkable folks. Mandhana wrote as the photo’s caption, “It’s been an unforgettable one.” When Jemimah noticed that, she exclaimed, “Wait did you just say you WALKED?!!.”
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Smriti Mandhana will appear in the WBBL.
Many Indian women’s cricket players are in high demand for the drafts, as the Women’s Big Bash League (WBBL) is about to begin its new season. While Deepti Sharma—who impressed in The Hundred—was signed by the Melbourne Stars for the WBBL, Smriti Mandhana, Jemimah Rodrigues, and Deepti Sharma were all selected.
Conversely, Mandhana was a pre-draft signing of the Adelaide Strikers, but Rodrigues was selected by the Brisbane Heat. In the second round, the Strikers also selected Pacer Shikha Pandey.
Moreover, among the 13 players who were left off the draft roster were individuals like Shreyanka Patil, Harmanpreet Kaur, and Radha Yadav.
Also Read: For the upcoming WBBL season, Smriti Mandhana has joined the Adelaide Strikers
Following her selection by the Melbourne Stars, Yastika Bhatia will also be playing in her first WBBL season. The Adelaide Strikers and Brisbane Heat will play to kick off the WBBL on October 27 in Adelaide.