Following the confirmation of Hardik Pandya’s return to the Mumbai Indians for the 2024 Indian Premier League, Jasprit Bumrah posted a mysterious message that caused a stir among cricket fans. The star bowler posted on his Instagram story that “silence is sometimes the best answer.” This statement sparked a lot of rumors, with some fans thinking the cricketer was trying to take over as the team’s future captain. Instead, the five-time winners re-signed Pandya, who may take over as captain of the Mumbai Indians from Rohit Sharma.
Former cricketer Kris Srikkanth said, after doing some analysis, that the pacer might have felt injured and that the act wasn’t fair to him. Notably, Bumrah was a member of the leadership group and contributed significantly to MI’s previous four championship victories. It’s possible that there were certain expectations because he led India in the postponed Test match against England, something Srikkanth acknowledges.
There isn’t a cricket player like Jasprit Bumrah. He is among the finest in the game, whether it is white-ball or Test cricket. In the World Cup, he was all out. And as you mentioned, he served as the acting Test captain in 2022 during the Fifth Test matchup with England. Maybe he regrets something. It would have wounded him. He probably feels that he should have stayed with MI, but the team is now honoring someone who left and returned. “You’re turning him into the greatest thing on the planet.” In a video posted to his YouTube account, Srikkanth stated, “He might think it’s not fair.”
Similar events involving Ravindra Jadeja at CSK : Kris Srikkanth
Ravindra Jadeja expressed the same sentiments, according to Kris Srikkanth when the CSK administration relieved him of his leadership. But MS Dhoni intervened and resolved the issue; he anticipates that MI will follow suit by meeting with Bumrah, Pandya, and captain Rohit Sharma.
“At CSK, something comparable occurred with Ravindra Jadeja. What will happen, in my opinion, is that the team management will sit down with Pandya, Bumrah, and Rohit and work things out. If I had experienced something similar, I would have been hurt. I’m not sure if there’s been enough communication. There has to have been an incident. Obviously, something must have happened if he is becoming irritated,” Srikanth continued.