In the first Test match of the series against England, India, captained by Rohit Sharma, got off to a poor start, losing by an unexpected 28 runs at the Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium in Hyderabad. Nonetheless, the hosts pulled off a surprising turnaround in the current Test series against England, winning the third and second Tests to take a 2-1 lead. The fourth Test, which will start on February 23 at the JSCA International Stadium Complex in Ranchi, will see India take against the team managed by Brendon McCullum.
Legendary Australian cricketer Matthew Hayden, however, thinks that the Ben Stokes-led team will face more difficulty in the wake of India’s return. Against England, India won the Rajkot Test by a whopping 434 runs, which worried the English team.
In light of this outcome, Matthew Hayden said that India now has a great chance of winning the series and that England appears to be in trouble.
“India, in my opinion, is the winner. This morning, while I was reading the results, it occurred to me that India presents a challenge to a touring team. Energy conservation is the battleground because it’s a finite resource. You can’t help but be surrounded by the players, fans, and the nation. Hayden told Star Sports, “There’s this great energy in India, especially in winning against England, and you can put Australia on that list as well, especially now.”
The former opener for Australia continued by saying that the players and teams visiting India should be mentally calm and focused on their tasks.
To even be able to survive mentally there, one must possess the qualities of a guru and a calm mindset. This series, you have already witnessed England lead games yet be unable to maintain it. And it’s because (when playing in India) you have to show up for every moment, every ball, and every session,” the 52-year-old continued.