Mayank Agarwal, the batter for India and captain of Karnataka, had a health scare while flying from Agartala. He complained of lip swelling and throat irritation after allegedly ingesting a “poisonous liquid” prior to takeoff. He was admitted to a nearby hospital as soon as he landed, receiving prompt medical assistance. Thank goodness, according to the most recent reports, he is no longer in danger and will be released from the hospital on Wednesday.
Although his condition is stable, he will need to rest for 48 hours, during which he may have difficulty speaking owing to swelling and ulceration. Ramesh, the manager of the Karnataka team, said that Mayank Agarwal will soon return to Bengaluru, where he will continue to heal under supervision. There was a collective sigh of relief from the cricket community as Mayank’s health took precedence over his work obligations.
Mayank Agarwal became thirsty just before takeoff. In front of his seat, he sipped water that was stored behind the seat pocket. He felt the urge to throw up after realizing after a few minutes that his throat was itching. According to India Today, citing Karnataka team manager Ramesh, he alerted the air hostess as he hurried to the restroom next to the cockpit.
“The flight attendant promptly pressed the emergency bell and inquired as to whether a doctor was on board. The pilot was notified that there was, regrettably, no doctor present, and the airport administration was notified. Upon seeing him, medical professionals declared that “he needs to be hospitalized; we can’t provide first aid here.” When an ambulance came, he was brought to the hospital,” he continued.
Mayank Agarwal reports anything he believes to be foul play.
The 32-year-old’s adventure took a grave turn when, after ingesting a “poisonous” substance while on a flight, he filed a police report in Agartala, suspecting foul play. The incident caused him to miss Karnataka’s next Ranji Trophy 2024 match, which was scheduled to take place in Surat. Regretfully, the right-handed hitter who helped Karnataka defeat Tripura will not be available for the forthcoming match against Railways in Surat, which is scheduled for February 2–5.
But with the match against Tamil Nadu scheduled in Chennai from February 9 to 13, expectations are high for his comeback. Team manager Ramesh confirmed Mayank Agarwal’s absence and gave an anticipated time frame for his return. As an inquiry into the unnerving event on board the airplane is underway, Tripura’s state health secretary, Kiran Gitte, has guaranteed that authorities are considering Agarwal’s allegation seriously.