In his hometown of Ranchi, the legendary Indian captain MS Dhoni has been embroiled in a scandal lately. Claims that Dhoni’s Harmu Road home, which was initially allotted as a residential site, is being utilised for commercial reasons have being looked at by the Jharkhand State Housing Board.
During Arjun Munda’s time as Chief Minister, the Jharkhand government gave Dhoni the land in Ranchi’s posh Harmu Housing Colony. The land, which is roughly 10,000 square feet in size, was given to Dhoni in appreciation of his cricket accomplishments. Before relocating to a farmhouse in Simaliya, on the outskirts of the city, to maintain solitude, Dhoni and his family lived in an opulent home constructed on the property.
Recent rumours that a diagnostic clinic might be built on the Harmu Road property prompted the Housing Board to open an official investigation. The pathology center’s signboard was allegedly put up but then covered with a green cloth.
This is not the first time that MS Dhoni’s Ranchi home has been questioned.
This sparked questions about whether the residential plot was being used in accordance with the Housing Board’s rules, which specifically forbid commercial operations on residential property. Sanjay Lal Paswan, the chairman of the Housing Board, has made it clear that any deviation from the residential plots’ intended purpose is against the law.
“After receiving complaints, we gave officials instructions to look into the matter. According to the Times of India (TOI) newspaper, Paswan stated that Dhoni would receive a notice if the accusations were validated.
Questions have previously been raised about the former skipper’s Harmu property. The board enquired in 2015 about another nearby plot that was purportedly obtained unlawfully. Although that dispute was ultimately settled, the recent accusations have rekindled worries about how the land is being used.
Notably, some 300 other property owners have faced comparable penalties from the Housing Board for turning residential plots into commercial spaces. Notices for comparable infractions have even been sent to the state BJP office in the same neighbourhood. In the event that unauthorised operations are verified, officials have been instructed to cancel allotments.