The captain of the Chennai Super Kings, MS Dhoni, wrote history on Monday, April 3, when he became the seventh player in IPL history to reach 5000 runs. The 41-year-old batted at number eight against the Lucknow Super Giants and hit two sixes off Mark Wood right away. Even though he was out on the very next delivery, MS Dhoni’s thunderous sixes undoubtedly thrilled the Chepauk crowd.
The renowned cricketer’s former national teammate, Virender Sehwag, believes that this most recent accomplishment won’t have much of an impact on him. Additionally, he said that all of these accomplishments and achievements are only kept in memory after retirement.
“If you ask MS Dhoni, he will say that the most important thing is to win the trophy, which he has done, and that it doesn’t matter whether he has scored 5000, 3000, or 7000 runs. I don’t believe he pursues or considers milestones.
“I was the same way. Who knows how many runs were scored? But it’s true that these totals stick in people’s minds. Sehwag was reported by Sportskeeda as saying, “After you retire, it is known that this player scored so many runs in the IPL.
A player playing at that number might not be able to score as many runs as Virender Sehwag.
Sehwag also praised Dhoni for his prolific run-scoring when batting lower in the order. He also thinks that no other player will likely be able to reach this milestone in the foreseeable future. He described him as a major player.
The top-order batters are anticipated to score the most runs. MS Dhoni, who has 5000 runs scored, bats in the middle or lower middle order. There may be no player who can score that many runs while playing at that number. He is reliable, scores runs, and helps his side win games. He is a very important player, Sehwag continued.
Importantly, on April 8, Chennai will play host to the Mumbai Indians in their upcoming game at Wankhede Stadium.
Below is the IPL schedule.