Only Shashank and Prabhsimran Singh were kept by the Punjab Kings prior to the IPL 2025 mega-auction. They spent INR 110.50 crore in the auction, and among many other things, they paid INR 26.75 crore for Shreyas Iyer, INR 18 crore each for Arshdeep Singh and Yuzvendra Chahal, INR 11 crore for Marcus Stoinis, INR 7 crore for Marco Jansen, and INR 4.20 crore for Glenn Maxwell and Nehal Wadhera.
They have assembled a formidable core for the forthcoming campaign and will be vying for their first championship in the lucrative league. According to co-owner Preity Zinta, the team is pleased with the new additions because they have 90% of the players they were looking for. According to the Bollywood actress, the objective was to start over, and she was pleased to have local males Arshdeep, Wadhera, and Harpreet Brar in the group.
“We wanted to start from scratch. There were some hits and misses, but most of them had what we wanted.” No auction ever takes place where you believe that these are the names that we absolutely desire. It’s a fantastic auction if you can achieve more than 90%. Zinta informed the broadcasters following the sale, “And we got about 90% of what we wanted.”
Indeed, they are back, and I couldn’t be happier. Harpreet Brar, Nehal Wadhera, Arshdeep Singh, the first Punjabi lad, and numerous others. A fresh staff and a new strategy were two things we were certain we wanted. We needed players from our catchment region, though,” she continued.
It is somewhat disheartening that we will be without a few of our players: Preity Zinta
Zinta expressed sadness for the players they had to let go of, despite her admission that she was delighted with the team. However, she anticipates a strong season in the 2025 Indian Premier League with all the new players.
“But when you get to the auction table, you say, ‘Okay, don’t panic, there’s too much going on. But overall, I’m really content. I wish some of our athletes the best of luck, but I’m a little sad that we will miss them. Also, I’m quite delighted for all of the new players who have joined. Yes, Zinta continued, “I am looking forward to a great season.”