The Indian squad extended an offer to Rahul Dravid to become head coach following the 2021 T20 World Cup. The former cricket player declined to join the team since it would require a lot of travel when he was employed with the National Cricket Academy (NCA). However, Sourav Ganguly and Jay Shah, the secretary, were able to persuade the well-known cricket player, and as a result, Dravid signed a two-year contract.
Achieving success in the 2022 T20 World Cup and the 2023 ODI World Cup was the primary goal. The Men in Blue were outstanding in the ODI World Cup but were unable to win the trophy after losing to Australia on the final night, despite India’s lackluster performance in the shorter format. When asked if he will stay with the national team following the championship, 50-year-old Dravid gave a non-kosher response.
Meanwhile, rumors suggest that BCCI has extended Dravid’s contract until the T20 World Cup in 2024. Aakash Chopra, the former cricket player who is now a broadcaster, thinks he might decline the opportunity in order to spend more time with his family.
“The BCCI is eager to keep Rahul Dravid on for another season. It appears from all the signs and information that he has received an extension.
However, given the immense demands of coaching Team India, there’s a chance he won’t accept it. I’m telling you straight up—it’s a little damaging for your family and your personal life. The fact that you travel so much makes things less efficient. Priorities once more, though,” Aakash Chopra posted on his YouTube account.
An almost identical squad from the 2022 T20 World Cup might compete in 2024: Chopra
In the meantime, Chopra said that players like Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma might participate in the forthcoming T20 World Cup in the USA and the West Indies, and if they do, the team might resemble that of 2022.
“I think the BCCI has also told Rohit Sharma to keep going and lead us in the 2024 T20 World Cup; we won’t tell you anything.” I have a suspicion. It is highly likely that Virat Kohli has received the same information. If that’s the case, then a team that participated in the 2022 T20 World Cup—or one that’s quite similar—might participate in 2024, Chopra continued.