Karnataka’s match-saving century in the Under-16 Vijay Merchant Trophy quarterfinal was hammered by Anvay Dravid, the son of the renowned Indian cricketer Rahul Dravid. In Ahmedabad, he defeated Punjab with an undefeated score of 110 from 234 deliveries, interspersed with 12 fours. He reached his tonne off 198 and his fifty of 124 deliveries.
While Rahul Dravid first put on 40 off 115 with Dhruv Krishnan (73), it was his 95-run partnership with Dhyaan Hiremath (33) that brought Karnataka one run closer to a tie.
Ultimately, Punjab scored 742/9, including 230 from opening batsman Gursimran Singh, while Karnataka scored 280/7 in 117 overs.
Punjab placed first in Elite Group C, while Karnataka won Elite Group D. After taking a lead in the first innings of their match against Karnataka, Punjab advanced to the tournament’s semi-final.