On Wednesday, December 11, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, the star couple, celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary. Due to Anushka’s attendance at cricket matches to support her husband, the couple has been the centre of attention. Recently, when Virat hit his 81st century in Perth, the two of them enjoyed a wonderful moment. The former India captain looked up at his wife and thanked the cheers.
It is noteworthy that in 2017, the couple married in a private ceremony in Tuscany, Italy. They are fortunate to have a son, Akaay, and a daughter, Vamika. The official social media account of the Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB), with whom Virat has been affiliated since the beginning of the franchise, sent a heartfelt greeting to Virat.
“A couple goals with Virushka are being served. Happy wedding anniversary to Anushka and Virat, the power couple. I wish you both many more years of happiness together and that you never stop inspiring one another and the world. RCB posted something on their official Instagram account.
Here’s RCB’s latest post for Virat Kohli’s marriage anniversary:
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Anushka Sharma has supported me no matter what: Virat Kohli
In the ongoing Border-Gavaskar Trophy (BGT 2024-25), the 36-year-old gave credit to his wife for supporting him through his highs and lows after hitting the century in Perth. For the uninitiated, Virat Kohli’s century total went from 80 to 81 across formats in more than a year.
“I enjoy giving performances for my nation. It’s even more memorable for me because she’s here. It’s true that Anushka has supported me no matter what. She is therefore aware of every behind-the-scenes activity. What happens to you when you play poorly or make a few mistakes? “I am not a guy who wants to hang around just for the sake of it,” Kohli stated following the game. “I just want to contribute to the team’s cause.”