The Indian player with the highest earnings from cricket alone, Rishabh Pant, surpassed Virat Kohli. Notably, the top-ranked batsman-wicketkeeper in the Indian Premier League earned the biggest salary ever. The Delhi Capitals (DC) released him before the IPL 2025 mega auctions. Consequently, he was acquired by the Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) for an incredible 27 crore, setting a new record in the rich league’s history. He has eclipsed great Indian batsman Virat Kohli in another way in addition to surpassing former record holder Pat Cummins for the highest IPL salary.
Based solely on his cricketing responsibilities, Rishabh Pant is currently the highest-paid cricket player.
He surpasses the former captain of India, who makes 28 crore a year, with an astounding 38 crore from his cricketing antics throughout the years. Notably, the two receive a significant portion of their income from the BCCI central contract and their IPL salary, which is a significant factor in cricket revenue.