The much-anticipated ICC Cricket World Cup, which will be hosted in India from October 5 to November 19, will be captained by Team India’s Rohit Sharma. The two-time winners will face Australia on October 8 at Chennai’s MA Chidambaram Stadium to open their campaign.
Recently, Rohit Sharma talked openly about the challenges he encountered in both his personal and professional lives. The 36-year-old remembered that because his family wasn’t financially stable, he had to spend his formative years living with his grandparents.
“Even so, Rohit Sharma can appreciate the suffering and sacrifice now that I am a father. I can now appreciate how difficult it must have been for my parents to abandon me at that time. Being the first child as well, they were compelled to make that choice. It wasn’t something that my parents wanted to do. My grandfather, who had nine kids, was in charge.
“We weren’t very sound financially. It wasn’t like we could have anything we wanted. My grandfather had the respect to say anything, and it would be done.
When considering the future, he most likely made a wise choice, Rohit Sharma stated in an interview with The Indian Express.
He continued by explaining why some players weren’t selected for the World Cup team and claiming that it was a collective choice. He added that he had gone through the same feelings as the players who were let go from the team. Notably, the starting batter has come a long way from being left off the roster for the 2011 World Cup to leading the team in the upcoming major competition.
“Ha ha! It’s definitely distinct, but also not simple. However, if the motivation is apparent, it must be carried out for the benefit of the group. I got in touch with everyone who wasn’t chosen. It is crucial for players to understand the reasoning behind a choice, or “ki bhai kya chal raha hai.” Who is dropped and why? It’s understandable that players could become offended. The same thing happened to me as well. My goal is to maximize the team’s potential in whatever way that we can. I don’t choose the player on my own, of course. The 36-year-old stated, “It is a decision we made together.