Rohit Sharma, the captain of Team India, recently appeared on Netflix’s The Great Indian Kapil Show. During the interview, Rohit shared numerous amusing anecdotes from his personal and professional lives. Host Kapil Sharma questioned the players about whether any of them had advised Rohit to hold off on hitting any sixes because their girlfriends were present.
The Indian captain was quick to respond, though, saying that although he has had similar requests from cricket players, he has never given them any consideration because Ritika Sajdeh, his wife, is constantly around.
Yes, of course, we have had conversations like this, but I tell them that my wife is watching the game while your girlfriend is at the stadium. She crosses her fingers while sitting through the entire game. She is therefore more significant to me, Rohit Sharma remarked.
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In addition, Kapil questioned Ritika Sajdeh on a number of occasions. Is managing Rohit more difficult as a husband than as a cricket player? the comic questioned. “As a spouse. In his capacity as captain, he is under the control of his team. Ritika said, “I don’t have to do anything.”
After hearing her response, Rohit thought of a clever one-liner in which he declared that his wife was the head of the household. “I have to go inside the house, but she can’t go into the dressing room or the field. There, she is the captain,” Rohit remarked.
The group had kept up a strong pace. Rohit Sharma
In addition, Rohit Sharma discussed the Indian team’s 2023 ODI World Cup campaign. Considering how the team played flawlessly in automatic pilot mode the entire season, a protracted alliance by Australia in the summit match saw the World Cup elude the hosts.
“Our team was in Ahmedabad two days prior to the game, where we practiced. The group had kept up a strong pace. Like they were operating on autopilot. We had a strong start to the match. Shubman Gill was out shortly, but I partnered with Virat Kohli after that. We had faith that we could receive a high grade.
In my opinion, it is advantageous to score runs and put pressure on the opposition team during crucial games because any team might falter under duress. However, Australia was a strong cricketing nation. Even though we took three wickets for only about forty runs, they went on to form a lengthy partnership,” Rohit remarked.