On Wednesday, October 4, a family court in Delhi granted star Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan a divorce from his estranged wife Aesha Mukherji for treating him cruelly mentally. The wife didn’t dispute the accusations or make an effort to defend herself, according to Judge Harish Kumar, who accepted all of the accusations made by Dhawan in his divorce suit against her.
According to the judge, the Indian cricketer suffered emotional abuse at the hands of his wife since she had him live apart from his son for a long period of time. While the court refrained from making a decision regarding the couple’s son’s long-term custody, it did award Shikhar Dhawan the right to visit him at the correct time in Australia and India as well as have video calls with him.
Aesha had previously promised to move in with him in India, but she was unable to do so because of a deal she had made with his ex-husband to remain in Australia, claims Shikhar Dhawan.
According to a story in Bar & Bench, the court also took into account Dhawan’s claim that Aesha forced him to give her a 99 percent ownership interest in the three residences he paid for with his own money in Australia. In addition, the court found that she had compelled him to add her as a joint owner to the other two properties.
Additionally, the court determined that Aesha sent Shikhar Dhawan disparaging texts.
Aesha also defended herself against claims that she sent disparaging text messages to BCCI officials, club owners in the Indian Premier League (IPL), and other cricket players. She claimed that she had just sent those messages to those three individuals in order for her to receive her monthly maintenance payments on time because Dhawan had been missing payments.
The court, however, rejected her argument and determined that slanderous texts were sent to multiple individuals in an effort to embarrass, vilify, and put pressure on Shikhar Dhawan. The Court also acknowledged that Aesha and Dhawan got into an altercation because Aesha had taken Shikhar Dhawan ill father to the hospital after he developed COVID-19.