India and Pakistan’s 12th match of the ODI World Cup 2023 included a special incident featuring Virat Kohli. The Indian star batter was photographed donning a jersey with three white stripes on the shoulder rather than the team’s traditional tri-color pattern. Fans and the media were soon drawn to this distinction, which resulted in photographs becoming viral online.
When Kohli realized his error, he immediately left the field to make amends. He returned to the pitch to resume play after changing into the proper tricolor jersey.
Virat Kohli goes off the field for a little bit. Does a quick jersey change from white-striped shoulder to a tri-colour shoulder.
Pic 1 from toss, Pic 2 from later.#INDvPAK #CWC2023
— Aadya Sharma (@Aadya_Wisden) October 14, 2023