After India’s Boxing Day Test match setback at the hands of South Africa in Centurion, former India international S Badrinath voiced his doubts about Rohit Sharma leadership abilities. Notably, they lost by 32 runs in an innings that was humiliating for both the bowling and batting teams, who both fell short of expectations.
After this, S Badrinath said that the team’s red-ball captain should be Virat Kohli. In addition to questioning Rohit’s spot in the starting XI, he said that the player had a poor record outside of India.
With nearly 5000 runs, 40 victories, and 17 defeats in 68 Tests, Kohli is a superb leader for the team. Having captained the team to the fourth-most victories as a Test captain, he guided them to an amazing victory in the Australia series.
What makes Virat Kohli the captain of the Test team? He outhits Rohit as a hitter in Test cricket. Why isn’t he leading, but some lesser player? Rohit Sharma is a big player who has scored runs everywhere, despite his ups and downs. However, outside of India, he hasn’t shown much promise as an opener. Why is he there, then? On his YouTube account, Badrinath stated:.